Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Antarctica of Then

From the Journal of Glador, Wind mage of Aurellentia
14-18-4873 Fourthday

The Gods have gone mad. Even now they battle for supremacy over the plains of Amajaden. The clouds roll dark, and glimmers of fire and darkness can be seen at times. By the end of the year there will be another dark mage uprising. I can feel it. Power twists insideously inside the Earthstone as the powers of above struggle in their cosmic war. It is only a matter of time before some young lad will be lead astray by the seducing power of the dark gods and falls prey to the dark magics. Only time before there is a third mage war that will engulf all of Aurellentia. Only time before the detestable god of Chaos breaths his power into the land. What has caused this struggle? Before the first dark mage war, we light mages were corrupt, had fallen into darkness. It took a war to reveal to us that we had perrished. The fire of war purged us, cleansed us from the corruption into which we had decended. The dark mages were just in their war, but since then they have become sinister; evil in thought and desire, ruthless and cruel. The only neutral temple has yet to be visited by a dark cloaked man, and when it is, we dare not attack. The first of the dark mages in every war are powerful beyond compare with all six gods of darkness behind them. Latter they become weaker, as the gods no longer care if they loose one or two minions. Then we strike. It is sad, for it means great destruction of inocent people, but unless all the light mages of Aurllentia combine to war against this threat to peace, nothing will happen. No individual posseses the power to resist the only dark mage. We can bottle them up, strike when they are not looking, but never confront them.


Andrew said...


Anisha Zaveri said...

Who is Glador? Is this translated from a book?

Graham said...

My Bad, that was a typo, its supposed to be Galdor. Galdor is a character I made up. This was strictly from my immagination, I added the "translated by" thing to make it seem more authentic.

Thx Andrew!