Thursday, September 28, 2006

Blackened Ash

I topped the last rise to Demlon, and stopped as if dead before what had been a flowering vale, water still ran in a trickling rivulet down the center of the vale. Where the crops had been slowly ripening in the sun are now black, broken, charred. As yet, smoke still waves from what had been a pleasant farming community. Huge boulders from above Demlon had been hurled through the village, brown scars on the hillside above marked their passage. Bodies lay scattered as if Death had sowed them as seeds thus, but they would never rise. They had fallen for the last time, never to grow or flourish. As I stood there, I did the only thing I saw fitting to the horror that stood incarnate before me: I offered the souls of the dead to my god as we would honor fallen warriors from a great conflict. For thus I beheld them. As I stood their numb, I heard a sound behind me. I turned slowly, (now I recognize in pride of my new power) and beheld two youngsters from Auroch Hal. One was a boy, of slender girth and narrow chest, the other was a girl, who stood one dantra* higher than he, but was also slender. The boy had brown hair dusty from the road. He had an intelligent face, and was clever with his hands and body when training with the sword. He was known as Thaldor. The girl I knew less about. She had shining black hair swept from a high dark forehead, which stood guardian over a lovely face. I had seen her around, but she studied arms under a different combat master. I knew her name not. "Be strong" I said. After a moment I asked "Was this your home?" They nodded in assent. I took them under my wing. I hunted game from the local valley, but game was scarce, the noise and war had driven it away, but I did come up with two rabbits, which we roasted and ate. I spent as much time imparting wisdom to Thaldor and the girl (who's name was Idril) as I could, preparing them for the conflict ahead. They were both fourth year acolytes, trained in body, mind, and soul, still learning the craft of applying the power of the soul to the world around them.

*Dantra: about two inches

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