Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Burning Vale

The solstice finally arrived. I departed from Auroch Hal and the wind mages there and set out for Demlon, a small village between Auroch Hal and Angrod. By foot, it is a two day journey from Auroch Hal to Demlon. Half way between the two my powers returned. Not piece meal or even fully, but four fold. I am many times stronger than I had ever hoped to be. I only hope that I do not forget myself in my new found power and slip during a battle or become proud. The new power from the wind God empowered not just my soul, buy my mind and body as well. New realizations dawned on me as I ran tirelessly towards Demlon. I have never heard of the mages bodies being energized thus by the gods. The souls, yea, but ne'er the bodies or minds. No; I err. The gods speak to my mind, and I recall a dusty tome in the library of Auroch Hal in the old dusty script of old:

Durring the first darke mage warre the warriors of light were weak. They had become proude, the gods didst not think it fitting to lende their powers to men who wouldst missuse it. Twas not till the second darke mage warre, when the men of light were pure of heart and soul didst the powere flow from above. Their bodies and mindes became imbued with powere. Yet we shouldst not long for this powere, for that is of the darke. Quoth Thantos, darke mage of death: 'When the gods grant us powere we shall rule I shall kill the people of Aurellentia.' We shouldst be careful of this powere, lest we become proude and losse it or become overbearing in battle and fall.

I read that during the training of my mind in my second year as an acolyte. A decade ago.


Graham said...

thank you!

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